Monday, October 22, 2007

Revival 07!

Wow, Revival 07 was one of the best experiences of my life. I developed deeper friendships, got to know people so much more, and even meet new friends! Going up to Lake Isabella helped me to leave everything back at home, all the temptations and unholy things and focus all on God. I grew an incredible amount and when I went back home, I had that desire to read my Bible everyday, go on godsong and catch up on commenting on all the scriptures of the day, praying constantly like a prayer warrior, and not a prayer wimp, etc. Anyways, we had amazing worship by Ty Sager and encouraging, convicting messages from Pastor Mike! All of which I'm pretty sure taught everyone, and me personally something new and wonderful to apply. Very convicting and long. We had free time as well, such as just chilling with everyone, rock/cliff jumping, water skiing, tubing, wakeboarding and so much more! It was so fun, and the best part of that is that you were with all your christian friends. During Revival, people got saved and became true Christians. There were smiles, there were tears, and there was great happiness and joy. While up there, we were also on awesome teams: Caltrans... You Know! Big Red, Pain Train, and the Ninja Turtles. We had gnarly cheers and cool colors! There were games and challenges against the other teams, it got pretty competitive. It was all such a blast! The breakfast, lunch, and dinner were always so good and everyday we got served wonderful meals. If I didn't go to Revival, I don't know where I would be in my spiritual growth. It was a chance for me to grow more and truly understand Christianity THAT much more! I am just so thankful for Compass and all of its amazing and life changing events.


Haley Litz said...

Great job Brooke! I wish I could have gone to Revival, I heard it was a blast! Keep stepping it up for the Lord Brooke!!!

Anna :) said...

yeahhhh revival! you knowwww! that week was life-changing FOR REAL! im soo glad u gotta blog! love youuu

♫ DB ♫ said...

Revival was so cool! I pray all the time that the people that were Revived and were found by the Lord will not lose their zeal for Him and that they love Him and follow what He says. Later,


Bre Moore said...

REVIVAL YOU KNOW!!! Most amazing week of my life .. cal trans you know i love how close we got i am so glad we were put in the same tent I LOVE YOU!!!

Bre Moore said...

Oh and i love how you already have the pictures from today on your blog hehehe you are so cute!!!