Monday, October 22, 2007

Mexico Missions Trip 2007

Going to Mexico with a good sized group of people from True North was the best experience ever! Not only was there great fellowship, but I grew so much in my faith. We were outside of Ensanada at an orphanage and it was truly incredible. We spent time with the orphans everyday, and worked hard on buildings, such as dry walling and painting. It was so much fun and all for the glory of God! We also had amazing messages from different Pastors everyday including our very own, Pastor Bobby! They were all great and convicting. We also went outside of the orphanage in a community and did some outreaches, handing out these bracelets we made, each bead meaning something. We spent the Fourth of July up there too and that was nice, drove somewhere and watched fireworks, great burgers, fellowship, and it was a fun experience up in Mexico on the 4th of July. We also had time to also play some good B-ball, play board games, and fellowship, getting to know our brothers and sisters of Christ more. On our last day, we drove out and had a fiesta where we set up tables with a lot of crafts, food, and amazing worship music! It was so awesome. A lot of people came and some even accepted Jesus Christ for the first time! Mexico was amazing and I loved it! I learned a lot and went back home realizing so much. I would go back to Mexico in a heartbeat!


Haley Litz said...

Awww Brooke you got a blog!!! Great first post! Keep it up! I wish I could have gone to Mexico! Hopefully next time :)

♫ DB ♫ said...

Miss Piggy got a blog!! hahaha congrats Brooke :) MMM, Mexico was so incredible and fun. I loved it. I became a Christian there! Hoorah! Keep up the blogging,


Zach Senger 116 said...

yee brooky finally got a blog yee so excited for u yee mexico was off the hook

Bre Moore said...

ya know.. i would comment but i didn't go so ya... :(